Probably the currently most popular launch monitor on the market with fascinating accuracy.
Get all the important information about your loft!
SkyTrak is the first accurate and powerful golf simulator at an affordable price, based on the latest technology. It provides realistic measurements, scores and statistics about your game. After downloading the free application, SkyTrak connects quickly and easily to iPads, iPhones, Android tablets and other compatible PCs via the built-in WiFi access point. You can start exercising with SkyTrak 3D anytime, anywhere.
Wireless operation possible.
SkyTrak has its own battery with an autonomy of about 5 hours, making it totally portable.
With SkyTrak Shot Tracer technology, you can follow the flight of the ball on your iPad, Android device or PC and get instant information on trajectory, launch angle, spin speed, distance traveled and more to improve your game.
Shot tracer offers you different angles! With SkyTrak, you optimize your practice time and get more information about your game than when you're actually on the course or driving range.
SkyTrak is an affordable all-in-one system to train, play and perfect.
- SkyTrak Launch Monitor + SkyTrak Basic Practice Range (Software)
- 30 days trial version of Game Improvement
- Micro USB charging cable and power adapter
- User Guide
- Quick start guide
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... aus Freude am Golfen!
Seit über 15 Jahren sind wir Vorreiter, wenn es um innovative Trainingslösungen und Golfausrüstung geht. Mit unserer handverlesenen Auswahl an Produkten bringen wir Sie Richtung Handicap 0.
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